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アクセス回数:248回 リリース日:2007年5月23日
Thinking of you
作詞 WISE 
the up and down, the down and up,
the inside out till my time is up…
the faces I remember racing JAN. to DEC. places
思い出すI'll be thinking of you…

When I was just a kid
自信が持てなくて しょっちゅううつむいてたっけ
足元ばかり見てると せっかくの景色も目に入らなくなる
my mama used to say"Keep your head up"
笑顔でいつも勇気くれた 母親の存在 常にでっかく
あたたかい毛布みたいな愛 いくら感謝しても足らないくらい
たとえ世界が敵に回ったとしても あなたはきっとオレの味方
You had a big heart and I love you for that
I would never forget your blessings まじありがとう
この愛情 返せるまで

the up and down, the down and up,
the inside out till my time is up…
the faces I remember racing JAN. to DEC. places
思い出すI'll be thinking of you…

もしも状況が違って この世にオレしかいなくて
あなたのいない世界を想像して 果たして幸せかって?
現状 人が人傷つける世の中
だからこそ家族の大切さ 友達 仲間 one love
at times I couldn't believe the shit I got myself in
for who was there to comfort me could I do the same
facing the amazing world we're living in
本当に恵まれてるね 自分が信じられなくなった時も
そばにいてくれた人の事 けっして忘れない
thanx for the support共に上がってこう
that's what true friends are for

忘れない この気持ち その優しさが くれた力は
it's a part of me and I' gonna take it to top
there are certain things in life that can't be forgot

when things got hard and hope had to leave me
cause it wasn't all easy, but you always believed in me,
and I thank you

the up and down, the down and up, the inside out till my time is up…
the faces I remember racing JAN. to DEC. places
思い出すI'll be thinking of you…

I'll be there to be your friend, for all the time you were there for me
I'll be there to be your friend, return the love you gave to me

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