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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:131回 リリース日:2002年6月7日
My World
作詞 Avril Lavigne/Clif Magness 
作曲 Avril Lavigne/Clif Magness
Avril Lavigne
Please tell me what
Is taking place
'Cause I can't seem
To find a trace
Guess it must have
Got erased somehow
Probably 'cause I always forget
Everytime someone tells me their name
It's always gotta be the same
(In my world)

Never wore cover up
Always beat the boys up
Grew up in a 5,000 population town
Made my money by cutting grass
Got fired by a Fried Chicken ASS!
All in a small town "Napanee"

You know I always stay up without sleeping
And think to myself
Where do I belong forever
In whose arms the time and place

Can't help it if I space in a daze
My eyes tune out the other way
I may switch off and go in a daydream
In this head my thoughts are deep
Sometimes I can't even speak
Would someone be and not pretend
I'm off again in my world

I never spend less than an hour
Washing my hair in the shower
It Always takes 5 hours to make it straight
So I'll braid it in a zillion braids
Though it may take all friggin' day
There's nothing else better to do anyway

When you're all alone
In the lands of forever
Lay under the Milky Way
On and on it's getting too late out
I'm not in love this time this night

Can't help it if I space in a daze
My eyes tune out the other way
I may switch off and go in a daydream
In this head my thoughts are deep
Sometimes I can't even speak
Would someone be and not pretend
I'm off again in my world

Take some time
Mellow out
Party it up
But don't fall down
Don't get caught
Sneak out of the house

Can't help it if I space in a daze
My eyes tune out the other way
I may switch off and go in a daydream
In this head my thoughts are deep
Sometimes I can't even speak
Would someone be and not pretend
I'm off again in my world

Can't help it if I space in a daze
My eyes tune out the other way
I may switch off and go in a daydream
In this head my thoughts are deep
Sometimes I can't even speak
Would someone be and not pretend
I'm off again in my world

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