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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:38回 リリース日:2010年12月22日
作詞 R・O・N 
作曲 R・O・N
now you can feel it in the fog
no more lies going under neath
your skin melts into part of me
don't you know how it's gonna be
can you stand all by yourself?
have you got all that you want?
you wanna fight against the race
it's like gun point on your head

it's getting rough getting rough
all of your system hates pretending not
to be the one of your rude part of a
soldier kind of a mind
take two steps forward to the hell
lose three way down by your side
wake up your scream in the air
listen up peach head

you see all flash rise up to the sky
don't be afraid to fire on number 4

stunned knocked down by a head ache
locked on the sight by a dot..
aim at revolution prophet not to hesitate
kill the emotion back to devotion
life is like piece of crap
trapped in the mess of shit
you can't be in control

mash up mash up heavy blow
unconscious mechanical type B
with sickness and preventing fear
right in you've come to this war

you see all flash rise up to the sky
don't be afraid to fire on number 4

down fall down fall better run and cover

you see all flash rise up to the sky
don't be afraid to fire on number 4

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