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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:118回 リリース日:2012年7月25日
作詞 motsu/Maon Kurosaki 
作曲 Satoshi Yaginuma
Here I come the C-Y-B-E-R, What is this power called? Hey CYBER CYBER!!
Here I come the C-Y-B-E-R, Hey baby, Are you ready?

Go-Go-Go-Go, Don't stop and move your feet
Go-Go-Go-Go, The party with the beat
Go-Go-Go-Go, My buddy makes some massive noise
Go-Go-Go-Go, With the flow, come on

You know that your risk is minimum, I can rap it faster than any man
What you got to do is click my name, Check it out my special willie bounce
Wiggle wiggle it with the beat, Make you body move and groove on the floor
You see that super sweet body reaction you feel inside
Now that music take control the night You can dance all night long Feeling so right
Yes, that's your unlimited force
Let the rhythm pump the energy Stresses are gone The miracle night
We call it"Cyber Cyber"

Go-Go-Go-Go, Don't stop and move your feet
Go-Go-Go-Go, The party with the beat
Go-Go-Go-Go, My buddy makes some massive noise
Go-Go-Go-Go, With the flow everybody go

The hell of boot camp, Got to move it hard like push up, push up
It's my lovely discipline, Everybody anybody do what I say
Left to the right upside down inside out, feel no tired
No wonder I can tell, You got a cyber black belt

Release what you got inside
It surely will give out the rainbow light
Lean on the beat and you"full dive"
Now open your eyes for the paradise Who・・・

Here I come the C-Y-B-E-R, What is this power called? Hey CYBER CYBER!!
Here I come the C-Y-B-E-R, What is this power called? Hey CYBER CYBER!!

Compress the bass strong enough like"face to face"
And get your 909 pump it till the speaker breaks ha-ha
It's from the 1990 still alive in the 2013
Persistence endless routine no! I'm not gonna stop it
Now that music take control the night Yeah, that's right yo Feeling so right
Now, kind of feeling coming up from your mind
Let the rhythm pump the energy The energy called The miracle night
It's called "Cyber Cyber"

Can't stop your heart beating fast
And feel the presence of reincarnation
You and I will make a"full dive"
Let's dance all night long baby we're in the cyber love

Say"Yeah"Say"Oh yeah"
Everybody wave your hands side to side and make a big scream!

Here I come the C-Y-B-E-R, What is this power called? Hey CYBER CYBER!!
Here I come the C-Y-B-E-R, What is this power called? Hey CYBER CYBER!!
Go-Go-Go-Go, Don't stop and move your feet
Go-Go-Go-Go, The party with the beat
Go-Go-Go-Go, My buddy makes some massive noise
Go-Go-Go-Go, With the flow everybody go

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ALTIMAさん『CYBER CYBER』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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