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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:10回 リリース日:2011年5月18日
作詞 meg rock 
作曲 mito
it's time for little ones to go
to go to bed and close your eyes
to see what's sleeping deep inside

impossible things that we love
is not impossible anymore
the beautiful world goes around and round..

another day is coming through
i guess it all started from here
this tiny feeling deep inside

i never completely understood
what satisfaction's all about
and that's why i still go around and round..

so in the middle of the night
or in the meadow of daylight
like intermission of delight
yes, in the speed of light i fly

i'm here in the borderland
just can't deny
still here in the borderland
it's the land that lies in between dream and reality
it's my favorite adorable place where i belong

it's time for us to go
to go to bed and keep our eyes wide open
to see what's sleeping deep inside

with a spoonful of imagination
nighty night, hold on tight
and let the story begin

so in the middle of the night
or in the meadow of daylight
like intermission of delight
yes, in the speed of light we fly
to wherever we wish to go

to the place where i belong

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