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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:28回 リリース日:2012年4月11日
Sail Away feat.土屋アンナ
作曲 K.A.Z
If you don't wanna stay around here
Then I don't think that we should
Come with me
Let's find a way out

At the edge of the deep blue sea
There's a whole 'nother world out there
But it's hidden and secret

Send through the message to the manic mole that hides under the hill
She'll dig us fast down to the shore
And from there we'll take it slow and...

Sail away
Let's do it baby
It's time to bring in sunshine
Sail away
Let's do it baby
It's time to bring in sunshine

All the stones in the sky will shine
As we're torn from our shadows
If we're able to find a way out

And the crows that have kept us here
Won't be able to find us there
We'll be hidden and secret

Send through the message to the manic mole that hides under the hill
She'll dig us fast down to the shore
And from there we'll take it slow and...

Sail away
Let's do it baby
It's time to bring in sunshine
Sail away
Let's do it baby
It's time to bring in sunshine

I'll dig you down
I'll dig you down deep
Through the green green grass
And the dirt mud and the weeds
I'll get you out
I'll get you out clean
To the deep blue waters
That's a manic guarantee

Sail away
Let's do it baby
It's time to bring in sunshine
Sail away
Let's do it baby
It's time to bring in sunshine

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オリコンミュージックストアで OBLIVION DUSTさん『Sail Away feat.土屋アンナ』をダウンロードする


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