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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:42回 リリース日:2012年5月16日
作詞 Yoko Narahashi 
作曲 Choi Jonghoon/DAICHI/youwhich
Hidden in the shadows of the desert sands
Searching for some life in this forsaken land
A voice calling me from far across these endless sands

Memories of the life we knew are blown away
Buried in the ripples of the sands that sway
Like tears we cried, regretting all we had done and now we have to pay

Where is the love that made life so worthwhile
Where did it all go now, will I find the light shining in your smile

Go go go just keep going on, till we've lost all of our tomorrows
Go go go cause I made a vow, I'm never gonna turn my back on you
Kick the dust and wipe the tears of yesterdays pain and sorrow
Go go go into the horizon, hit the sands, I'll ride the wind to you

Stormy seas of sand blow all our hopes ashore
Don't have a map or sign of where we're heading for
But in my heart, I'm following the road that leads me to your door.

Till I hold your hand I'll keep burning the miles
Till I hold you for sure, till I find the light shining in your smile

Go go go just keep going on, till we've lost all of our tomorrows
Go go go cause I made a vow, I'm never gonna turn my back on you
Kick the dust and wipe the tears of yesterdays pain and sorrow
Go go go into the horizon, hit the sands, I'll ride the wind to you

The flame of life burns inside your soul
A flame that burns for all mankind
Guiding us, as we go

Burning so bright, it can light our world in our darkest hour
Hit the road we have places to go

Go go go just keep going on, till we've lost (just about) all of our tomorrows
Go go go cause I made a vow

Go go go just keep going on, till we've lost all of our tomorrows
Go go go cause I made a vow, I'm never gonna turn my back on you
Kick the dust and wipe the tears of yesterdays pain and sorrow
Go go go into the horizon, hit the sands, I'll ride the wind to you

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