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アクセス回数:51回 リリース日:2012年5月23日
Answers that crossover
guide ones who are believers
and bring so many wonders
as if showing what not to lose

Everyone was an innocent child
All people good bad dumb and smart
Carried away being a child
like emotions that have wings
People one day will hold a weakness
Hanging to someone just like you
and then you stop in your footsteps
like being in wonderland

Those days reaching for the sky to a moon you could not touch
Now I reach for a dream that does mean so much
Nothing has changed

Answers that crossover
guide ones who are believers and bring so many wonders
as if showing what not to lose
When a forced dream changes into a natural dream
We found ourselves back in the
days when we were carried away being kids

The small hand hanging to a large back
now it grabs hold of your feelings
The joy that comes when you achieve
still hasn't rusted away

Answers that crossover
guide ones who are believers and bring so many wonders
as if showing what not to lose
When a forced dream changes into a natural dream
We found ourselves back in the
days when we were being kids

Struggle, impatience, worries, appearance
Things like that, keep getting, keep getting in our way
The believers are the ones who will forever
have faith in oneself

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