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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:17回 リリース日:2013年3月6日
作詞 illion 
作曲 illion
I just wondered why. You cried all night for me.
All though, as yet, it's unknown that drops belongs to me.

Don't read between the lines. The secrets are disclosed.
From now obscure and ambiguity has fade away into your dim.

What'under the surface they'll fall upon our footstep
And stars above creeps below.
There's no need for figure, comparison nor metaphor
All you do is speak in piece.

Extinguish all your body. Your sentence will remain witch they're
Shattered into pieces around.
I'll gather them rebuilt them uncover them and dump them
just like how you wished to be.

Make me fall asleep. While you're in highest leap.
The rise and fall and revolutionary will grow your guilt mount high.

I tried to scar your face. But no longer needed I guess.
You abandon the rights to dispute with your voice, so you shall be dismissed.

What'under the surface they'll fall upon our footstep
And stars above creeps below.
There's no need for figure, comparison nor metaphor
All you do is speak in piece.

There's no exclamation, amazement, excitement
They no longer exist in this place.
I'll gather them rebuilt them uncover them and dump them
Just like how you wished to be.

What have you done with your gene? Dressed up like Halloween.
Yours eyes, your lungs and your cells in your soul
Are abuse to let the monopoly grow

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
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