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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:17回 リリース日:2013年3月6日
作詞 illion 
作曲 illion
Why why me oh why only me
And why not you me just only me
This wide wide world and why only me
And why not you equalize my mind or what

Wish I could be the average of this world
A total average nothing less or more
So I could stand right in the center of this world
You'll never have to worry about being alone keep saying

Why why me oh why only me
And why not you me just only me
This wide wide world and why only me
And why not you normalize my mind or what

Why why me oh why only me
And why not you me just only me
This wind wind road and why only me
And why not you normalize my dreams
Wish I don't have to mind mine mind or what

If I could see a human inside out
Then I would never have to spend these words
And I just don't even have to take whole time to
hate each other only sec will do

There's no point of using words for others
just for yourself just shout it inside
And all those unspeakable and unshowable
Paint it all over your skin and show them off
Just give me one more note and I'll be free

Here's a plastic wounds for someday no more chemicals for you hurray
Now here's 911 and 119 which ever you like choose one of either of these

Oh Why why me oh why only me
And why not you me just only me
This wide wide world and why only me
And why not you normalize my thoughts or what
Is wide world a wide wide world so what

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