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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:22回 リリース日:2013年3月13日
Hide out cut
作詞 JxSxK 
作曲 松隈ケンタ
I don't know how much doing how it sells
I just was broken my heart. always sleepy

If he recognized the mistake in the heart
Always should be someone you really numb

I was despair almost blocked by big one, was helped by various people

There is too much that the small thing is big much.
I can't tell what is what you want.

Open your eyes
You're the only one who really knew me at all
I lost myself. It's not enough
Who's voice is resounding greatly in the head from my voices.
All of the time when I need you.

Your casual word is reflecting on in me.
I got my head checked myself. Always sleepy

If he recognized the mistake in the heart
Always should be someone you really numb

I was despair almost blocked by big one,was helped by various people

There is too much that the small thing is big much.
I can't tell what is what you want.

Open your eyes
You're the only one who really knew me at all
I lost myself. It's not enough
Who's voice is resounding greatly in the head from my voices.
All of the time when I need you.

いつかみた ストーリーはまだ 未来を書けず
時は何故 待たず追いかけるの?

Open your eyes
You're the only one who really knew me at all
I lost myself. It's not enough
Who's voice is resounding greatly in the head from my voices
All of the time when I need you.

Open your eyes!!
You're the only one who really knew me at all
I lost myself. It's not enough
Who's voice is resounding greatly in the head from my voices.
All of the time when I need you

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