I have not thought about living until yesterday It just a seemed like one scene of a film I need lore
Oh, everything has utterly changed 泣きそうになるくらい 目を塞いでも変わらない 思いが反比例
Close your eyes Imagine how to live You must do it I close my eyes And determined I'm pressed for choice Just about a leave, faraway 生きるため Its only one We gotta choose it So do we? Just about a leave, faraway 生きるため Its only one Can you drive your destiny? Be it
Every body go 残酷な世界を旅する 生きるしかChanceは無い どれだけ目を塞いだって チクタク迫り来る終焉を 選択肢は無い 答えを探してあがいてもがいても見えない 争い奪って壊し合って繰り返しても止めない もうどこに居たって同じだって だから僕は止まらない また日が沈んで行く
Hold your hand You don't to meet someone's end no more So do I For not to leave Don't wanna get a wrong choice Just about a leave, faraway 生きるため Its only one We gotta choose it So do we? Just about a leave, faraway 生きるため Its only one Can you drive your destiny? Be it
Why? How? They disappeared. Still I don't get it, for real Combine forces you & me. We trust to get back the peace
Close your eyes Imagine how to live You must do it I close my eyes And determined I'm pressed for choice Just about a leave, faraway 生きるため Its only one We gotta choose it So do we? Just about a leave, faraway 生きるため Its only one Can you drive your destiny? Be it
Close your eyes Imagine how to live You must do it I close my eyes And determined I'm pressed for choice Just about a leave, faraway 生きるため Its only one We gotta choose it So do we? Just about a leave, faraway 生きるため Its only one Can you drive your destiny? Be it