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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:9回 リリース日:2013年6月5日
one drop
作詞 Fumio Ito 
作曲 Yukihiko'T'Tanaka
What's going on? What's going wrong?
One drop of tear falls to the ground...
Then a prayer and a pledge
Falling on my own heart's heart...

When the past meant more than the present,
My life was kind of monochrome... I felt empty...
I felt like something made my heart into a cold stone!

Wow! Wow! Wow!
Somehow I couldn't do anything to make...
Make a change in my life in a very strange mood... I say...

What's going on? What's going wrong?
Every little thing is so far way...
What I see is what I am!
How I feel is how I've learned!

What's going on? What's going wrong?
So far away... So far away...
The frozen dream in my own heart's heart
The only friend of mine... friend of mine...

A tiny bud was coming out from the ground where
I was standing and stamping my feet...
A tiny, weak, crying... red bud... something I've never seen...

Wow! Wow! Wow!
Stumbling down and I saw a tiny bud...
Crying out for a life all alone in a world I was leaving...

What's going on? What's going wrong?
Are you doing your best? Do you really want this?
A tiny red bud's asking me...
A tiny red bud's asking me...

What's going on? What's going wrong?
Just come closer! Come closer!
The frozen dream in my own heart
Now started to cry out for its own life!

What's going on? What's going wrong?
One drop of tear falls to the ground...
Then a prayer and a pledge
Now growing in my heart...

What's going on? What's going wrong?
One drop of tear lands on the ground...
Gives a life to a tiny red bud, to a frozen dream
And a stumbling man...

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