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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:17回 リリース日:2014年4月30日
o by the by
作詞 E.E. Cummings 
作曲 kotringo
o by the by
has anybody seen
little you-i
who stood on a green
hill and threw
his wish at blue

with swoop and a dart
out flew his wish
(it dived like a fish
but it climbed like a dream)
throbbing like a heart
singing like a flame

blue took it my
far beyond far
and high beyond high
bluer took it your
but bluest took it our
away beyond where

what a wonderful thing
is the end of a string
(murmurs little you-i
as the hill becomes nil)
and will somebody tell
me why people let go

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