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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:40回 リリース日:2015年9月9日
作詞 上木彩矢 
作曲 黒瀬圭亮
Poor people in the land of dust, the superiors trample on
Arriving in a frightening, and fearsome bloodthirsty world

Worship this temporary lord and walk their way, do as they say
Liberation now in exchange for weakness

(Oh, There is no god)
for nobody
(There is no god here)
So don't you let them tie you up, think on your own
You've gotta make your own road

(There is no god)
for you and me
(There is no god here)
There is a battle here that must be fought together
Stand up with us, it's time to fight

People of different types unite together to make something new
Arrival in this changing world, arrival in this new world

Understand one another to become a singular unit
And making not a single sound, we rise above

(Oh, there is no god)
Can you hear it?
(There is no god here)
So don't you let them tie you up, search on your own
You've gotta make your own road

(There is no god)
Tear it down
(There is no god here)
There is a battle here that must be fought together
Stand up with us, it's time to…

今こそ立ち上がり 新しい世界へと
その目に映る全てが 真実への鍵に
今こそ何も恐れず その先の光へと


(Oh, There is no god)
for nobody
(There is no god here)
So don't you let them tie you up, think on your own
You've gotta make your own road

(There is no god)
for you and me
(There is no god here)
There is a battle here that must be fought together
Stand up with us, it's time to…

そう壊し尽くせ 自分を見くびるな
止めるな叫べ 今日という日を生きろ
そう燃やし尽くせ 命が続く限り
止めるな叫べ 今日という日を生きろ

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