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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:14回 リリース日:2016年2月17日
作詞 Kohei by SIMONSAYZ/LEE 
作曲 Makoto Miyazaki
Road of dust Beyond here

Out beyond that dirt road…
The black horses trample forth across the dry lands

Out beyond the distance
The soaring hawks peer out through to the gusty wind

And the harsh winds howl on
The desert wolves cry on too

And here, lies the bleak and dry dusty crossroads
One path shows us what we must do

So take my hand and let's go on through
the barren desert lands of mother earth
Where the harshest heat scorches the skies

And so lets go
please ride with me on
the dusty arid lands of mother earth
Where the scorches of the sun goes on.. and on

As the sun dies down, the land sleeps
(The moon sits high above the sky)

They sleep(It shines bright)
Until the break of dawn

As earth's servants sleep
Under desert stars
(The stars look down on the land)

They sleep(It shines brights)
Until the sun rises up

Out beyond that dirt road…
Wild horse we ride along past with our motor bikes

Out beyond that desert
Where that rusty station once stood is now nothing.

And the harsh heat scorches on
The dry dusty earth burns too

And here, lies the bleak and dry arid crossroads
That path shows us what we must do

So take my hand and let's ride on through
the barren desert lands of mother earth
Where the harshest heat scorches the skies

And so lets go
please ride with me on
the dusty arid lands of mother earth
Where the scorches of the sun goes on.. and on

Is this where we stand right here now?
On.. this road
Shall we ride out this path now?

So take my hand and let's ride on through
the barren desert lands of mother earth
Where scent of burnt engine oil lingers

And shall we go
please ride with me on
the dusty arid lands of mother earth
Where the horses run on around wild.

Now take my hand and let's fight on through
the barren desert lands of mother earth
Where our headlights shine out on the road

Now we must go
please trust me now on
the dusty arid lands of mother earth
Out to the horizon out on that path we ride

Dusty roads Beyond here

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