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アクセス回数:5回 リリース日:2016年6月8日
Lost melody
作詞 Valerie Etienne 
作曲 Ryota Nozaki(Jazztronik)
all the birds are singing, a eulogy
since the day, lost it's melody
don't know where it's gone

i've been hearing strange things, for hours
storm took the music, and lost it's powers

so i wander, from room to room
there's no rhythm, there's no tune
and i need it now

falling like a leaf, on a sea of sound
search for a music, music, anywhere around

need to sing back it's colours
to sing back the beauty
i need, to hear, them now
the day will sing out
so let it pass this hour
just like a storm
we let it pass through us now

and blow through this
pass through this
and blow through

i'm losing, my melody
everything grates, till it's gone
sing it back to me

i want to find, a new song line
i sing it, and it sings mine

we need to lift, our voices proud
help it to use, all it's colours now
oh let them shine

some rainbow's, need some time
i'll trade a melody, for a sign

need to sing back it's colours
to sing back the beauty
i need, to hear, them now
the day will sing out
so let it pass this hour
just like a storm
we let it pass through us now

and blow through this
pass through this
and blow through

and let it come
back like the spring
opening up like the spring time
and let it come,
back like the spring
opening up, like the spring time

and let it come
back like the spring
opening up like the spring time
and let it come,
back like the spring
opening up, like the spring time

blow away like the winter
fall into spring time
blow away like the winter
fall into spring time

and let it come
back like the spring
opening up like the spring time

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