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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:27回 リリース日:2016年7月6日
Tree Rings
作詞 Takeshi Hosomi 
作曲 the HIATUS
It's been floating in the air for a while
Plenty close enough to see the shape
And I'm holding on to its end

I'll be walking on a street sometime
Still hoping the weather would let up
You just say
I'm flying high everyday
Like falling down in every way

Scent of salt is on the breeze today
I smell something that I had with me
Something that I had in me

Nothing bad enough to make me run
Morning was enough to shake my reason
You just say
I'm falling down in every way
I'm held in the hands of gravity

Scent of salt is on the breeze
Scent of salt is on the breeze today
I feel something that I had with me
Something that I had in me

The rain is harder than it used to be
But the wind still smells like breath from a sunny day
And I'm not chained here anymore

Now it's going on Be here today
Now it's going on We saw the light
Now it's going on You see, this street will never end

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