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アクセス回数:23回 リリース日:2016年8月10日
In My Bones
作詞 Joy Opposites 
作曲 Joy Opposites
Joy Opposites
Take the weight away until I find my feet
If I knew what I wanted we could move through the intricacies
No time to fall apart and nothing left to see
Never asked what I needed, just a pass from a friend I once had

So it goes
It's a gentle way of never letting go

Sticks and stones to break them down, words to patch them up
Without clues to the answer nothing new or original here
It's just a matter of what they never needed to ask and never made it through
Never took the chance, let them follow, abandoned and hollow, so low

It's too much and too far
Afraid of letting go but I feel it in my bones
And so long to so much, I never needed it
Cos I feel it in my bones

Follow the tracks into the night, a little sober thinking
Shake the feeling of missing out, you'd better pack that dissonance up, kick it out and forget it

More in a day than I could ever be, I feign innocence as if it means a thing to someone else
I'd do anything to make another chapter, not an easy dream but that's life now

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