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アクセス回数:20回 リリース日:2016年8月10日
King Of Nothing
作詞 Joy Opposites 
作曲 Joy Opposites
Joy Opposites
Feeling this might hurt sometimes
I'm just saying. Not a negative answer
Being this way turns my mind and I'm swaying back and forth to the the action

Look away, not the time to say there's another day
I'm just the king of nothing anyway

Don't you know she said 'a sense of how to get this right isn't easy'
Only comes with the fall and
Feeling your way through the night in the dark where nothing matters anyway

When you're done taking the minutes, you got a second? We can…

Talk talk passing the seconds I've got my mouth shut, I'm down on my knees
I know the numbers never said it, they never really get it
And maybe that's not all that I need

Feeling this might hurt sometimes
I'm not playing, just a dance with disaster
Seeing this way takes some time and I'm aching, at a loss for distractions

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