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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:51回 リリース日:2016年8月24日
作詞 志倉千代丸/英語詞:佐々木恵梨/本山清治 
作曲 阿保剛
"Time" is so sad and fleeting
Can't be controlled, like a river, never stops
"Space" is emptiness dark and so cold
Can you define it's presence, does it exist?

We drift through the heavens 果てない想い
Filled with the love from up above
He guides my travels せまる刻限
Shed a tear and leap to a new world

Cosmos and their creation
Tell me do they exist for infinity

Stars burn, burning so bright but they'll fade
How will I know?
Secrets kept until I die

Defy my destiny 守りたいもの
Foolish , but it's humanity

Imagination 奇跡に変える
Things you can't conceive

A drop in the darkness 小さな命
Unique and precious forever

Bittersweet memoriesツ?夢幻の刹那
Make this moment last, last forever

We drift through the heavens 果てない想い
Filled with the love from up above
He guides my travels せまる刻限
Shed a tear and leap to a new world

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佐々木恵梨さん『GATE OF STEINER』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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