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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:18回 リリース日:2016年9月28日
作詞 キリト 
作曲 Karyu
泡の如く浮かんでは弾けていく 選択肢を掴めずに立ち尽くすだけ
扱いやすく加工は施され 決定権まで放棄してしまう前に

Don't be fooled by the ones that are pressed against.
Only own emotions protect themselves.

研ぎ澄ますのさ リテラシー

左右に引き合う狂想に翻弄されて 獣と化した世相に食い尽くされ
糸が切れて宙を舞う小さな疑問符 声を挙げる言葉も奪われる前に

Don't be fooled by the ones that are pressed against.
Only own emotions protect themselves,the all.
Don't be swayed to the speculation of others.
Hope you their behavior and impulses shattered all.

真意に気づいて 諸刃の剣をかざして 的を見据え

Don't be fooled by the ones that are pressed against.
Only own emotions protect themselves,the all.
Don't be swayed to the speculation of others.
Hope you their behavior and impulses.shattered all.
Don't be fooled by the ones that are pressed against.
Only own emotions protect themselves.

決して譲れない リテラシー

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