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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:11回 リリース日:2016年9月28日
作詞 Koumi Hayasaka 
作曲 Mimori Tominaga/Ryota Asai
ひとつひとつ 出会い 感じてゆく
愛情知って 優しくなるの
ひとりひとり 支えあう中できっと
分かち合えば 前に進める life

Can you feel this beautiful days.
強くなって 優しさ溢れる life
Can you see this beautiful days.
心ひとつひとつに 愛を感じて
生きていける my life

Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
Thank you for your love.

君との思い出 そう 刻んでく
他愛ない 小さな感情も
重ねるたびに 大切なこと

Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
I feel your love in this wonderful life.

Can you feel this beautiful days.
笑いあって 温もり溢れる life
Can you see this beautiful days.
心ひとつひとつに 幸せ感じて
生きていける my life

Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
Thank you for your love.
Overflowing love.
Because of you, I can be strong.
I feel your love in this wonderful life.

Can you feel this beautiful days.
強くなって 優しさ溢れる life
Can you see this beautiful days.
心ひとつひとつに 愛を感じて
生きていける my life

Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
Thank you for your love.
Overflowing love.
Because of you, I can be strong.
Thank you for your love.

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