Nobody'd notice when something starts [何かが始まった時、それに気付く人なんていない] We just found a new toy,that will not break [俺たちはただ新しいおもちゃを見つけただけだった、壊れないおもちゃを] Adults thought we were just stupid kids [大人たちからはただのマヌケなガキだと思われた] They think they're living carefully,but dying fast [あいつらは大事に生きてるつもりだろうが、ただ死を早めてるだけだ] I didn't care much what I had to pay [なにを代わりに差し出すことも厭わなかった] Chased fool's gold sinkin' into the sea [海へ沈む偽物の金を追いかけた] Singing' A Haaan... [A Haaan...なんて歌って] 寂しさばかりか寂しさばかりか
A Haaan...
At first guess it was just fun [最初は多分、楽しいだけだった] But far we go sometimes we had to bleed [だけど遠くまで行く毎に血を流さなくてはならない時も出てきた] There're no sailors who never get homesick [ホームシックを起こさない船乗りなんていない] But we can't go back 'cause our life is right after us [けど引き返せないんだ、人生はすぐそこまで来てる]
Am I a fool? [俺はバカか?] Know my tune? [俺の曲知ってる?] Hope it's cool [クールだといいな]
Is it no good? [全然良くないって?] You're too strong [君は強すぎるから] Just punch me more [もっと殴ってくれよ]
Guess what? I'm feeling the power [さぁ何が起こっていると思う?力を感じてるんだ]