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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:4回 リリース日:2016年12月7日
作詞 Masafumi Isobe 
Find some flavors while wind is gone
Making small hopes grow&grow
If the stone will return to soils
Let's go out, try to shine the road

Even though that's so sweet to be correct and perfect
Even though that's so sweet making up for success
Tears from mistakes will make you learn&growing-up

If the rain or the storm go down
Let's go out try to find the sun
If the stone will return to soils
Let's go out, try to shine the road

Even though that's so sweet to be correct and perfect
Tears from mistakes will make you learn&growing-up

When you find out the feeling, It will be taking plenty of times
Gratitude for everything till now

When our love must be forever, even though things on earth be end up
Fill me now, looking up floating clouds

Until the time
We'll see someday
Until the time
We'll see some other day

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