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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:11回 リリース日:2018年2月21日
The Letter
作詞 真舘晴子 
作曲 真舘晴子/The Wisely Brothers
The Wisely Brothers
Hi, how are you?
I'm having a coffee in a cafe
At first, I was the only customer,
But other customers came in
Maybe they are regulars
They said "Master, You looking forward to the day after tomorrow?"
I realized "Master" he will go to the USA

He gives like braking dawn
He gives love on the wind
Why can't we be put into words
But I know
"I can feel something" tonight

I'm writing this letter on my holiday
And I think this place connects to the U.S.
I don't know "what it is"
But I love "how it feels"
"Something " is carried on the wind, oh oh
And it reaches someone's heart
Rain quenches the air
And I think
It becomes tears and kisses kisses!
Let's meet in the airport

I can feel something

He gives like braking dawn
He gives love on the wind
He gives like braking dawn
He gives love on the wind
Why can't we be put into words
But I know
"I can feel something" tonight

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