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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:45回 リリース日:2018年5月9日
Bird 〜people with wings〜
作詞 Jesse McFaddin 
作曲 The BONEZ
It's just another rays of light stars moving around tonight
Always doubting my mind, skies creating designs
They're waiting close to me, everybody is on their way
Let's close our eyes the wind is shifting

The watch on my wrist has stopped moving tic and tock
So I take it off and go

Spread your wings to fly like birds tonight
Spread your wings to fly above the skies
Go over the hill looking for the Emerald city
With the wings I have is fine
With this wing I turn on the overdrive
Go over the hill I'm still looking for the picture

Here comes another day again
With or without you I'll pray
For that one perfect day, keep doing it to prove it again
So I'll take the pain it will be a part of me
For this perfect day
Will it fit my picture frame

The time on my watch has stopped moving tic and tock
So I take it off and go

Spread your wings to fly like birds tonight
Spread your wings to fly above the skies
Go over the hill looking for the Emerald city
With the wings I have is fine
With this wing I turn on the overdrive
Go over the hill I'm still searching for that picture

Do it and do it again
I'm close to you now
Let's stop the rain
Go over the hill

Spread your wings to fly like birds tonight
Spread your wings to fly above the skies
Go over the hill looking for the Emerald city
With the wings I have is fine
With this wing I turn on the overdrive
Go over the hill I'm still searching for that picture searching for that picture
Over the hill
Looking for the emerald city
With the wings I have is fine
With this wing I turn on the overdrive
Go over the hill I'm still searching for that picture

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