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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:9回 リリース日:2022年5月4日
作詞 尋 
作曲 Valtz
The sharpen edge silently lights in the dark
The surface of the curve is cold
The silver wants the flesh
Caping skin is mellow music with despair scream
The fallen angel's smiles curse the bloody mysophobia

Awaken hedonism murder
Vomit bright red blood splashes

It splashes to the wall
This sight is more beautiful than anything
It'll give me the pleasure and the comfort
The terror spreads to this world now
There is nowhere to be saved
The fire burns the dead body to ashes that remain grudge and curse

The sharpen edge silently lights in the dark
The surface of the curve is cold
The silver wants the flesh
Caping skin is mellow music with despair scream
The fallen angel's smiles curse the bloody mysophobia

Die, die, die
The rain falls into the edge of knife
All the blood is cleansed not to be eroded
The humanity is isolated by the insanity

This is not a dream you can run away from
It's fear from the reality
Scream from your lung
The fatality is on fire
The undertaker is digging the grave

The rain falls into the edge of knife
All the blood is cleansed not to be eroded
The humanity is isolated by the insanity
This is not a dream you can run away from

Awaken hedonism murder
Vomit bright red blood
This sight is more beautiful than anything
It'll give me the pleasure and the comfort

You fxxking die, it's nightmare
Slay this pig

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うたまっぷ 」では、著作権保護の観点より歌詞の印刷行為を禁止しています。

NOCTURNAL BLOODLUSTさん『Dagger』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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