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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:14回 リリース日:2022年4月13日
Rotten Apple
作詞 Hisao Tamura 
作曲 ulma sound junction
ulma sound junction
Spinning'n spinning on it's wheel,
Infested with uninterested maggots,
This world is slowly and surely dying.
But! politician, you don't care.

Bathe in concrete.

Bathe in concrete.
This is not your world.
Bathe in concrete.

Bathe in concrete.
This is not your world.
Bathe in concrete.

Now you should go.

Blood. Violence. Pollution.
Reach for the skies and you will discover…

Blood. Violence. Pollution.
Reach for the skies and you will discover
the destruction and chaos unfolding.

Reach for the skies… Damn you.

Bastard, this is your graveyard,
kill them all, bastard.

Bathe in concrete.

Now you should go.

Blood. Violence. Pollution.
Blood. Violence. Pollution.

Reach for the skies and you will discover just
how our world is rotting away.

Reach for the skies.
Take back the planet you've turned into a dump.
See what you've done to our world.

Build your own graves.
Rot in apathy.
Pay for what you've done to this place.
You'll pay.

I feel so numb. It's getting worse.
I wait for the moment of collapse…
where we'll know.

It's all coming down and our efforts were for naught.
Is this all?
Is this all?

Start again this time.
This world is so weak and bleeding.
Scars festering and torn.

Start again this time.
This world is so weak and bleeding.
Scars festering and torn.

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