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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:10回 リリース日:2023年4月19日
作詞 太輝 
作曲 Ray
Authority corrupts men.
(Lie!! Lie!! Lie!! Lie!!)
And it has corrupted God.
(Lie!! Lie!! Lie!! Lie!!)
People want to see evil in the unpleasant.
(Lie!! Lie!! Lie!! Lie!!)
Can't they see their own reflection?
Aren't the thoughts arise from myself what's corrupt?
Have you been living while wandering around aimlessly?
Who can tell? People are being deprived of their own self.

(With all limbs) cut off from your body
(of thought), punishment awaits.
(There's no way) left to help each other.
For we've contracted the plague of abstention.
(How can we) prevent the rise
(in the number) of victims?
(Who can tell?) People are just waiting for their God to return.

We will climb the bodies of those who came before us and keep on living.
Thy Afterlife,,,
We will climb the bodies of those who came before us and keep on living.
Thy Afterlife,,,

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