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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:1回 リリース日:2023年8月23日
作詞 Skye 
作曲 Paul/Skye
I play a dangerous game
But I put my head up high
So what I'm a dangerous guy
Grow up I'm not that bad

Nobody is gonna stop my music
I'll put your head in to a stick
Sit down sit down
Put your hand up
Let me scream out
Loud and sing this

Don't waste your time
Think about what people think of u
I don't wanna be
Just a kid that sits around
I'll scream out loud

Screaming all night long
All night long

I love a crazy life
But I blow my head sometimes
Trying to prove them wrong but I don't even care anymore
Don't need the hate
Because I'll beat the game
Don't need a fate
Cas I'm on my way
Rock'n roll with my mats
Going to the states
Shaking all the plates
Maybe be a Saint

Don't have to believe it
Don't need you to see it
I don't need your permission
So give my mic and beat it

Don't waste your time
Think about what people think of u
I don't wanna be
Just a kid that sits around
I'll scream out loud

Screaming all night long
All night long

If you need a hand just scream out loud
Your not alone we're got your back
And if they try to bring you down
We can help to bring you up

Don't waste your time
Think about what people think of u
I don't wanna be
Just a kid that sits around
I'll scream out loud

Screaming all night long
All night long

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