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アクセス回数:2回 リリース日:2024年10月2日
Pavane pour une infante defunte
作詞 akiko 
作曲 Joseph Maurice Ravel
Lost, without sense of direction
Lost, without sense of self
Or are you someone else
What makes me feel hollow like this

To lose and to regain
And to forget and to remember

A void where shadow and light share
Born there and will return there someday
So far beyond the realm of mortal life

A void where shadow and light share
Born there and will return there someday
Nothing■■ forever
A deep and wide unknown
Beyond the realm of mortal life

Lost, without sense of direction
Lost, without sense of self
Or are you someone else
What makes me feel hollow like this

To lose and to regain
And to forget and to remember

Only a pavane
It■■冱 not misery
It is not so bright, but not at all too dark
We all just live a fiction extreme

Only a pavane
Don■■ be fooled by words
A game to notice that you don■■ realize
We■■e all to know the emptiness fulfilled

Lost, without sense of direction
Lost, without sense of self
Or are you someone else
What makes me feel hollow like this

Oh, I never knew
That silence sings the loveliest tune

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