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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:52回 リリース日:2008年4月30日
作詞 P.Williams/Madonna 
作曲 P.Williams/Madonna
Just one of those things
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it
And one of those things that used to get you down
and have no affect at all
Coz life is beautiful
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it

Remembering the very first time
You caught that someone special's eye
And all of your care dropped
And all of the world just stopped

I hope I want to go back to then
Gotta figure out how I'm gonna remember when
I felt it
It will be
I want it
To feel me

Just one of those things
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it
Can't get my head around it
And one of those things that used to get you down
and have no affect at all
Coz life is beautiful
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it

You don't know what you got till it's gone
And everything in life just goes wrong
It feels like nobody's listening
And something missing

I hope I want to go back to then
Gotta figure out how I'm gonna remember when
I felt it
It will be
I want it
To feel me

Just one of those things
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it
And one of those things that used to get you down
and have no affect at all
Coz life is beautiful
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it

I remember when you were the one
You were my friend
You gave me life
You were the sun
You told me things
I didn't run
I felt in my knees
I didn't know why
I started to breath
I wanted to cry
I need a reminder so I can relate
I need to go back there before it's too late

It's time to get your hands up
It's time to get your body moving
It's time to get your hands up
It's time to get your body moving
It's time to get your hands up
It's time to get your body moving
It's time to get your hands up
It's time to get your body moving

Just one of those things
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it
And one of those things that used to get you down
and have no affect at all
Coz life is beautiful
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it
Can't get my head around it
I need to think about it

Let's finish what we started
You're welcome to my party

I don't want this to end
I am missing my best friend
It was incredible
There is no reason
Sex with you is

Let's finish what we started
You're welcome to my party
Don't want this thing to end
I am missing my best friend
Yes, it was incredible
There's no reason to pretend

It's incredible
It's incredible
It's incredible
It's incredible
Sex with you is

Let's finish what we started
You're welcome to my party

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