うたまっぷトップ 歌詞検索
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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:58回 リリース日:2010年6月23日
作詞 サトウヨシアキ 
作曲 サトウヨシアキ
Everything you see,
All the past moments fade,
You know I'm trying to find what you've never seen
Everything you feel,
If all the pain is not fake
Do you catch up on your warmth?

Someone is telling you,
"Don't be afraid to take your time"
You know the answer
but you're searching for the meanings

Believing has never let you deceive
You'll never know 'til you push aside your fears
If you realize you'll ignore the signs
All I konw is: I will be around

Everything you need,
All the loads back today
But it seens you didn't get anything
You can see I am,
All your hunt has run away
But it seems your fight all you're ever seen

I feel your smell sometimes,
I heard the sound of you crying
Your shape is in my head and I know the view is true
We'll get something to share with each other
There's no other,
I'll show you how ,I'll prove it
I'll awaken your love

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