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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アジアの純真 〜English Version〜
作詞 井上陽水 
作曲 奥田民生
Peking Berlin Dublin Liberia
wait in a bundle, form a circle
Iran Afghan let us hear the balalaika

bijin ariran gamelan lasagna
be a mouse or move the cursor
kibun eleven access Wanna try now?

Open the door, the time is now
WE are what's happening... Asia!

Take every panda and line them all up, every single white one
Tonight the pure hearts are shining so bright, about to burst into flame
And they glitter and they glow, fire flowers in the sky

kazan Magellan Shanghai malaria
the heat is on when the night is falling
tabun Hong Kong Blinky winky all night long

Open the door even if tears should start to fall, even if there's a
flood... Asia!

Take all the stars, and You see a big map on The Yellow River.
Somewhere a pure heart is waiting to meet the other sweetest heartbeat
Breathing day into the night, so tomorrovv will be bright

Take every panda and line them all up, every single white one
Now every pure heart is shining so bright, about to burst into flame
And they glitter and they glow, and we all will love them so
In the twinkling of our hearts
Now access love!

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PUFFYさん『アジアの純真 〜English Version〜』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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