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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:35回 リリース日:1997年8月13日
作詞 DJ KOO 
High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion (u u u yea)
High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion

Let's get it Let's get it do it yea
Everybody let it go and show time shake shake boogie down

Let's get it Let's get it do it Let's get it yea
Party開ければSold out Never trying set this thing

Shake your pants wanna take chance & dance yo もっともっと楽しんで
So(そう)すれば 仲間が集まってくれば 身体中響く Take a Break

Yo Clap your hand everybody say yea!

High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion (u u u yea)
High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion

High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion (u u u yea)
High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion

Let's get it Let's get it do it yea
Everybody let it go and show time shake shake boogie down

Let's get it Let's get it do it Let's get it yea
Party開ければSold out Never trying set this thing

夜は男も女もsexy sound So sweet sound and you too kool
Yea steppin' out hold you down Say 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, V, 6

Yo Clap your hand everybody say yea!

High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion (u u u yea)
High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion

High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion (u u u yea)
High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion

Yo Clap your hand everybody say yea!

High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion (u u u yea)
High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion

High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion (u u u yea)
High emotion (du bi daba du bi daba) I'm talkin' to devotion

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