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アクセス回数:60回 リリース日:2008年7月23日
Fight it Out
作詞 cAnON. 
作曲 Kenz/cAnON.
Why we try to get our freedom,
Fight in deadly combat,
Yearn for an always peaceful world?
It's only for the earth...

Everything'd been going right in my yesterdays
Nowhere died, no one's sad, no one cried
Blue skies above
Nothing but the devils get into this world of now
No way will it survive by your side
So it's time to fight

Thick clouds seem to gather around to see what we do
Dead ground's gonna be the ring for us
Now, get, set...and go!

Blowin' winds, be our fellows
Let the thunder bluster
We want them to kick in now
Get your hands up so I could shoot again
Why we try to get our freedom,
Fight in deadly combat,
Yearn for an always peaceful world?
It's only 'cos of Love that never dies
Fight it out!!

If we gonna have silence on losing many lives,
No one cared? They just passed be the cries?
As they never know
People say,"Sometimes you must be a heartless BEAST"
No way will I forget it, the sights; cruel memories

Your eyes make me think about the worth of this blood
Dark nights wake me so to trust my force
Just get, set...and go!

Blowin' winds, be our fellows
Let the thunder bluster
We want them to kick in now
Get your hands up so I could shoot again
Why we try to get our freedom,
Fight in deadly combat,
Yearn for an always peaceful world?
It's only 'cos of Live that never dies
Fight it out!!

Many nights I've been a killer but also a savior
Though I never wanna be
Give your hands with me to take it again
Why we try to get our freedom,
Fight in deadly combat,
Yearn for an always peaceful world?
It's only for the earth...

Blowin' winds, be our fellows
Let the thunder bluster
We want them to kick in now
Get your hands up so I could shoot again
Why we try to get our freedom,
Fight in deadly combat,
Yearn for an always peaceful world?
It's only 'cos of Love that never dies
Fight it out!!

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