Flying High その光の果てまで Burning Heart 熱い鼓動高鳴らせ Going on 全てをぬぐい去って Moving on 何もかも蹴散らして
世知辛い世の中で 何のため?生きてるの 雁字搦(がんじがら)めな日々なんて 吹き飛ばせ Let's do it!
C'mon Everybody Forget it all and dancin' Don't stop the music もっと熱くなれ Move your body Party people and dancin' Don't stop the music 夜が明けるまで Everybody Forget it all and dancin' Don't stop the music もっと熱くなれ Move your body Party people and dancin' Don't stop the music 夜が明けるまで
Flying High その光の果てまで Burning Heart 熱い鼓動高鳴らせ Going on 全てをぬぐい去って Moving on 何もかも蹴散らして
感情を押し殺して 誰のため?生きてるの 失いかけてる本当の姿 取り戻せ Let's get back!
C'mon Everybody Forget it all and dancin' Don't stop the music もっと激しくなれ Move your body Party people and dancin' Don't stop the music 夜が明けるまで Everybody Forget it all and dancin' Don't stop the music もっと熱くなれ Move your body Party people and dancin' Don't stop the music 夜が明けるまで
C'mon Everybody Forget it all and dancin' Don't stop the music もっと熱くなれ Move your body Party people and dancin' Don't stop the music 夜が明けるまで Everybody Forget it all and dancin' Don't stop the music もっと熱くなれ Move your body Party people and dancin' Don't stop the music 夜が明けるまで
Everybody Forget it all and dancin'… Move your body Party people and dancin'…