This desert road's forever winding It saps your strength - it has no exit The drying wind The burning sun I'm tossing the burnt out engine aside
何も無い世界で 何処へ行けばいいのか? 強い眩暈 蛇の毒 It's bringing me down
My fever's getting high 踊る死神 all around and around me 月と太陽は it's a regular rat race, yeah 手招く oasis on the distant horizon 蜃気楼かどうか? I'm feeling dizzy I'm mesmerized
As I light my last cigarette Divining my fate あの場所へ 行くべきか? Or turn away?
答えもない My fever's getting high 踊る死神 all around and around me 月と太陽は it's a regular rat race, yeah 手招く oasis on the distant horizon 蜃気楼かどうか? I'm feeling dizzy I'm mesmerized
眩暈に抱かれ all around and around me 破壊と創造が it's a regular rat race, yeah 手招く oasis on the destant horizon 蜃気楼かどうか? I'm feeling dizzy I'm getting mesmerized