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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:72回 リリース日:2000年4月21日
Hey Joe
作詞 Xavier Boyer/Tahiti80 
作曲 Xavier Boyer/Tahiti80
Ther are so many things to say about Joe
First why did we let him go?
A star in second hand record markets
Aweet eyes with a bow tie and it's done

Hey Joe! How can we know
What you've been doing all these years?
It's not that I'm asking you for money
I just want you by my side

His brother Marc and his cousin Bob
They were both chased by huge mobs
While Joe he could only sing about the things
Crazy women didn't bring

Hey Joe ! How can we know
What you've been doing all these years?
It's not that I'm asking you for money
I just want you by my side

Write a song Sing along
That's all we can do [sing a song]
That's all we can do [to thear from you]
That's all we can do

Hey Joe! How can we know
What you've been doing all these years?
It's not that I'm asking you for money
I just want you by my side

Hey Joe, hey Joe Dolan!

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