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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:33回 リリース日:2005年4月27日
作詞 河合英嗣 
作曲 伊東大和
Can you feel your heart so as to be naked?
Can you feel your heart so as to be naked?

How come you're looking the other way?
Do nothing but cry through the night
"Don't know where I am." you said only one word
Like a deep forest, switch off again

Under the moon, so deeply distressed heart
Cryin' for pain, just wanna get out of here that
you cannot smile

If you let you build a wall around yourself
cannot change anything
There is nothing special that you'll be afraid
Throw away everything
All you need to do is to be naked

Tell me what do you escape from
Tell me where do you wanna go
The hours just move on, so there's not a loop hole
Please don't tell a lie to yourself

Open your eyes, you're standing in unknown world
Do it right now, have everything your own way.
Yes, you'll be all right

Can you feel your heart so as to be naked?
Let you face yourself
There is nothing special that you'll be afraid
Throw away everything
All you need to do is to be naked

Open your eyes, you're standing in unknown world
Do it right now, have everything your own way.
Yes, you'll be all right

Can you feel your heart so as to be naked?
Can you feel your heart so as to be naked?
Let you face yourself

If you let you build a wall around yourself
cannot change anything
There is nothing special that you'll be afraid
Throw away everything
All you need to do is to be naked

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