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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:104回 リリース日:2004年1月21日
Tell me what the rain knows
作詞 chris mosdell 
作曲 yoko kanno
Tell me what the rain knows
O are these the Tears of Ages
That wash a way the Wolf's Way
And leave not a trace of the day?

Tell me what the rain knows
O is this the flood of fortune
That pours itsefl upon me?
O see how I drown in this sea

Hark, hear the howl that eats the moon alive
Your fur it is on fire
The smoke turns the whole sky raven black
And the world upon your back will crack

Where will you go
Now you've no home?

Let the rain wash away your last days

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