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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:34回 リリース日:2003年11月27日
作詞 P.Simon 
作曲 P.Simon
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit.
Blessed is the lamb whose blood flows.
Blessed are the sat upon, spat upon, ratted on,
O Lord, Why have you forsaken me?
I got no place to go,
I've walked around Soho for the last night or so.
Ah, but it doesn't mater, no.

Blessed is the land and the kingdom.
Blessed is the man whose soul belongs to.
Blessed are the meth drinkers, pot sellers,
Illusion dwellers.
O Lord, Why have you forsaken me?
My words trickle down, from a wound
That I have no intention to heal.

Blessed are the stained glass.
Window pane glass.
Blessed is the church service
Makes me nervous.
Blessed are the penny rookers, Cheap rookers,
Grooby lookers.
O Lord, Why have you forsaken me?
I have tended my own garden
Much too long.

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