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アクセス回数:107回 リリース日:2002年7月17日
埴生の宿(Home,sweet home)
作詞 里見義 
作曲 H.Bishop
'Mid pleasures and palaces tho'we may roam,
Be it ever so humble,there's no place like home
A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there
Which,seek thro'the world,is ne'er met with elsewhere
Home,home,sweet,sweet home!
There's no place like home.Oh,there's no place like home.

An exile from home splendor dazzles in vain.
Oh,give me my lowly thatch'd cottage again!
The birds singing gaily,that come at my call
Give me them with the peace of mind dearer than all.
Home,home,sweet,sweet home!
There's no place like home.Oh,there's no place like,home.

埴生の宿も わが宿
玉の装い 羨やまじ
のどかなりや 春の空
花はあるじ 鳥は友
ああ わが宿よ
たのしとも たのもしや

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