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To the Limit
作詞 川村真澄 
作曲 久保田利伸
You take me to the limit, I'm out of my head.
Baby, Tell me what's on your mind.
You take me to the limit, I'm out of my head.
Baby, Tell me what's on your mind.

走り出す 沈黙を背に
とまどいが 鈍らせるアクセル

千の罪を 吸い取るKiss
君は 夜明け前 彼の元へ戻るのか

You take me to the limit, I'm out of my head.
Baby, Tell me what's on your mind.
You take me to the limit, I'm out of my head.
Baby, Tell me what's on your mind.

You take me to the limit, I'm out of my head.
Baby, Tell me what's on your mind.
You take me to the limit, I'm out of my head.
Baby, Tell me what's on your mind.

抱き合った 海沿いのSuite
うらぎりは 恋のStart or End

浮かび上がる 街の影
胸の潮騒が 行き場さえもなくしてる

You take me to the limit, I'm out of my head.
Baby, Tell me what's on your mind.
You take me to the limit, I'm out of my head.
Baby, Tell me what's on your mind.

ふたり髪からは 同じ砂が落ちるはず

You take me to the limit, I'm out of my head.
Baby, Tell me what's on your mind.
You take me to the limit, I'm out of my head.
Baby, Tell me what's on your mind.

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
うたまっぷ 」では、著作権保護の観点より歌詞の印刷行為を禁止しています。

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