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Li'l Jimmy Skit
作詞 Kanye West 
作曲 Kanye West
Kanye West
Man:'Hey, Jimmy, where are you going?"
Jimmy:'I don't know where I'm going. My dad died. And he left me his
degrees. My mom would always say, "Dad, why don't you work?" But
he just kept learning. All the other kids' parents were working and
saving up money for school, and I was actually in school all while my
dad was in school! He even, he was so greedy about his degrees, he
took my degrees. And now I'm just glad that he left me these. Because
all the reqular homeless people has newspaper. And look what I have!
These are document that my father left with me. And I'm gonna leave
them for my kids! I'm gonna learn, too. I'm gonna get super smart so I
too can die without money...'

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