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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:15回 リリース日:2007年12月5日
作詞 MEG 
作曲 中田ヤスタカ
Don't you patronise me, Ah!
Don't you look at me like I don't know what I'm doing
I don't wear these clothes to hide, honey
They're meant for taking off to show you what's inside

How nothing beats being beautiful
But that don't mean I need that beautiful all the time
My strength, my inner side is right there in the mirror
Come take a look, It's all I need, hey!

If life's dance, you mustn't take your eyes
off your partner It's how to love yourself
The pace is going crazy, or so it seems
Words are music and silence sorcery

Faithful to life itself, the rhythm of our breathing
Some loud music provides me a complete model
A melody and a beat, I don't need any words
All I want is to have some fun, hey!

Theories are to me of no import
A simple life is always the beat sort
If you're gonna live then fun's your first resort
If you're gonna run, my rule is don't get caught

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