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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:70回 リリース日:2005年3月24日
作詞 磯部正文/平林一哉/工藤哲也/平本レオナ 
作曲 磯部正文/平林一哉/工藤哲也/平本レオナ
Hit my head on the edge of space,and it rally hurt a lot
Stopped a river's source with my finger,
and it became a road
Sympathize with animals and plants feelings,
and I ponder my body
I blow out the fire of the sun and,
everything stops
And so I light the sun with a lighter,
I used a lighter to light the sun
In this amazing balance,wanting to do so many things

And with resolve,I soar through the sky again
And with resolve,I hit my head on the edge of space again

Trap that person in my heart,and it realy hurt a lot
I throw the essence of solitude to the sky,one star shines
Show feeling of humor and be contrary,
and stare at a spoons bowl
I blow away all the clouds,creativity stops
And so I gather all the steam
In this amazing balance
I give the source of euphoria
To the person that I met

I was born human by chance
Given life by chance

Met that person by chance
Just happened to want to tell you how I feel
Found you by chance

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HUSKING BEEさん『BY CHANCE』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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