こんなに広い 世界の中で なぜかお互い オンリー・ユー 愛ってやつは 言葉や数字じゃ 表しきれない ミステリー 15の時は見知らぬどおし 20才ちょっとは ジャスト・ア・フレンド 今では陽気な 人生パートナー この先お手やわらかに we are hoping for peace and freedom happiness happiness we are working loving, singing happiness happiness in order to get happiness happiness
目覚めて最初に 見る顔が君 一日がはじまる まどろむ前に 見るのも君さ このやすらぎは エバー・グリーン we are hoping for peace and freedom happiness happiness we are working loving, singing happiness happiness in order to get happiness happiness we are hoping for peace and freedom happiness happiness we are working loving, singing happiness happiness in order to get happiness happiness we are hoping for peace and freedom happiness happiness we are working loving, singing happiness happiness in order to get happiness happiness in order to get happiness happiness