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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:52回 リリース日:2010年10月6日
作詞 Stevenson/John William 
作曲 Stevenson/John William
Long distance
Last good-bye, can't groove it
One last try, it's all over

We didn't even cry
All I know is that the world came between us
And the love got left behind
No news flash, funeral
Half-mast flags on the day that our love died
I'd tell you face to face if I could look you in the eye

So I just called to say good-bye
Did you burn my pictures yet?
Anything to try to forget it's all over

All I can do to stay on the line
All I know is that the world came between us
And the love got left behind
No news flash, funeral
Half-mast flags on the day that our love died
I'd tell you face to face if I could look you in the eye

So I just called to say good-bye
We both know how hard it is for both of us to try
We both know how hot it is in Texas in July
So what am I supposed to say?
How's the weather anyway?

This time I called to say good-bye
Who'd have thought it would end like this?
Without even a good-bye kiss
No one could say we didn't try the years flew past

We tried to make it last
But the love got left behind
No news flash, funeral
Half-mast flags on the day that our love died
I'd tell you face to face if I could look you in the eye

So I just called to say good-bye
I just called to say there's nothing really left to say
So I just called to say good-bye

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